Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice

Max Cooper as star of the opening concert Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice 2023!


– Max Cooper 3D/AV live
– 8 June 2023
– NOSPR Katowice Concert Hall
– Immersive sound
– Special light installations
– Abstract visualisations of the highest quality
– A limited pool of one-day tickets for the opening concert is on sale now!


Next year’s festival will open with a wealth of visual and sonic experiences. Max Cooper is a multimedia techno artist who blurs the boundaries between art, music, film and technology. On 8 June 20223, his unique show will be on show in the phenomenal space of the NOSPR. Single-day tickets for the opening concert have just gone on sale.

With Max Cooper the opening of the 18th edition of Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice will be no ordinary concert. The Briton is an interdisciplinary artist who breaks out of patterns and conventional formats. His work moves at the intersection of cutting-edge technology, music production and digital art. The combination of an audiovisual show with the power of abstraction allows the audience to become completely immersed in the author’s vision and concept. It is an experience of communing with another reality, at the same time full of emotion and blurring the boundaries between disciplines. “Mysterious, crushing, slow-burning emotional techno”. – in these words, the influential website Resident Advisor describes Max’s music.

Perhaps Max Cooper’s all-encompassing approach comes from his scientific roots, as he is by day a doctor of genetics. The origins of his career can be traced back to the days when Cooper combined studying science with his first performances as a techno DJ. Since then, with a wide range of creative interests, Cooper has steadily developed an original approach to art. His multi-media live performances are as well suited to psychedelic events held in the middle of the desert as they are to elaborate concert halls. Max Cooper’s show impresses every time with light installations and visuals. Fans are surrounded by a powerful sound space, coming from all sides through the use of immersive sound technology. “Absolutely incredible, totally enthralling…goosebumps,” says Mary Anne Hobbs of BBC 6 Music about his work.
The opening concert at the NOSPR will be no different, where, in addition to the auditory experience, the visual experience will be heightened. There will be additional screens and projectors in the NOSPR Concert Hall, as well as light installations specially prepared for this performance.

Like an eminent architect, Max Cooper seeks to refer to what has come before him in music and art and what surrounds him now. Over the past few years, he has collaborated with renowned institutions such as London’s Barbican, as well as respected brands such as Zaha Hadid Architects and Dolby Atmos. He is the first techno artist to play at the Athens Acropolis. In collaboration with Barbican, he released his fourth album Yearning for the Infinite, seeking answers to the question of what it means to be human in a time when technology is changing everything. The project was released as part of the ‘Life Rewired’ series, and includes film, online media, as well as Cooper’s typically lush and emotional sound productions and abstract visuals.

The artist’s latest album, Unspoken Words, was released in spring 2022. It is the sixth album in Max Cooper’s impressive catalogue, which dates back to 2007. The sounds are accompanied by a visual story that unfolds through 13 short films, commissioned and directed by Max Cooper. The entire film was mixed in Dolby Atmos surround sound technology. It has been released by the artist-run Mesh label. Few artists have developed over the past decade as Max Cooper has done. “A thing of groundbreaking beauty” – wrote Clash Magazine about his album. We will be meeting this exceptional artist on 8 June 2023 at Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice.

With the announcement of the opening concert star, single-day tickets for Thursday go on sale. Their number is limited, so it is advisable to hurry up with your purchase decision. Both 2-day passes priced at 299 PLN and 3-day passes priced at 389 PLN remain on sale.

This is still only the beginning of the unveiling of the Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice 2023 programme. Soon, we will know the next artists of each of the sen, which, like every year, will be standing in the Culture Zone. Unique emotions, memorable concerts, exceptional artists and a unique location – this is the shortest recipe for the Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice festival. It is worth visiting again.